Why Does Video Marketing Work So Well?

 In Video

Video Marketing Dominates Social Channels

Because video marketing works at every stage of the buyer’s journey and it works well. Video can be used to build brand awareness, offer evidence throughout the consideration stage, provide proof during the decision-making stage, and lend support and guidance after the sale. 

Video and video marketing is dominating social channels — HubSpot reports that four of the top six channels on which global media consumers watch videos are social channels.

So if you’re not populating your social feeds with video, you’re probably falling behind. But don’t start losing any sleep over it. Effective video marketing doesn’t have to be expensive. It just needs to be authentic.

Consumers Love Videos

Consumers love video content because it’s engaging, fun, and easy to digest. It gives our eyes and our brains a break from the incessant barrage of textual content. 

As a bonus, visual and auditory learners appreciate how video provides a real-life picture of what’s going on or how to do something. In other words, it just sticks. 

Content Marketers Love Video 

87% of businesses use video. And they’re not just using it more, they’re using it more effectively. HubSpot recently reported that “83% of marketers now say that video gives them a good ROI, up from 78% twelve months ago.”

Content marketing specialists love video because it’s super easy to share across multiple platforms. If you’re in a B2B business, for example, you can really Boost Your Business with LinkedIn Video. Live stream video is another great way to promote your brand and increase awareness. 

Videos are valuable content currency as they offer the potential for a huge return on investment through several different channels.

Search Engines Love Videos

We’re all about human-first marketing here at Amplification, but we understand the power of Google and other search engines. 

Because videos encourage visitors to spend more time actively engaging with your website, search engine powerhouses like Google recognize this activity as an indication of high-quality web content. And we all know that high-quality content is rewarded with higher organic search rankings. 

Video Marketing is Perfect for Our Mobile World

Now that up to 70% of web traffic globally and 57% of all U.S. online traffic comes from mobile phones and tablets, it’s time to acknowledge the power of video. Let’s face it, it’s easier to view than to scroll!

It Doesn’t Have to be Long to be Good

Video software company Wistia found that viewer engagement with video content is steady for up to two minutes, meaning that a 90-second video will hold a viewer’s attention just as effectively as a 30-second video. This is useful and actionable information for video marketers. If you decide to take the plunge into video marketing, you don’t need to stress over length. Just keep it under two minutes.

If you’ve been thinking about taking the leap into world video marketing, we’re here to tell you that now’s the time to jump. And if you need a life vest, contact Amplification.